The opportunity to participate in the co-curricular program of the Ferndale School District is a privilege available to all students of the district. Participants in these voluntary programs are expected to conform to Board Policy 3200 and specific conduct standards established by principals and coaches/advisors. As participants, students are faced with choices. If the choices they make interfere, impede, or hinder their personal or group performance, or render them unfit to serve as representatives of Ferndale School District, they may forfeit the privilege to participate. A participant found to be in violation of any rule is subject to corrective action as specified in the code. Provisions have been made for a participant to appeal a sanction and that process is explained in this document.
Definition of Co-Curricular Activities
The co-curricular program includes athletics, clubs, student government, leadership, cheerleading, and other activities sponsored by Ferndale School District that are outside of the regular curriculum.
Eligibility for Participation
- Any participant in the co-curricular program must have an Associated Student Body Card.
- Must pay the annual participation fee to play sports.
- A participant must be in regular school attendance the previous semester. And have met W.I.A.A. eligibility requirements pursuant to rule (18.0). Additionally, participants must maintain a passing grade in all subjects. In the event an individual is no longer passing all classes he/she will be required to attend school study table sessions until they are no longer failing. He/she will be allowed to continue taking part in competitions, performances, and club activities as long as he/she is attending study table sessions and adhering to all study table session rules and W.I.A.A. requirements. Individuals missing study table sessions are subject to competition/performance/activity suspensions.
- Additional Athletic Requirements:
- 4.1 Insurance Coverage must be obtained through the school or if a family furnishes proof of sufficient medical coverage, a waiver indicating adequate coverage will suffice.
- 4.2 Results of a current physical exam must be on file in the main office.
Specific Rules and Regulations
- No athlete may quit one sport and turn out for another after the season has begun without the consent of both affected coaches. A co-curricular activity season shall be that portion of a school and/or calendar year during which regularly scheduled practices, turnouts, rehearsals, meetings, games events, contests, or performances for the specific activity are conducted under the direct supervision of an approved Ferndale School District Employee.
- Participants must travel to and from contests/activities away from Ferndale in transportation provided by the school. The only exceptions permitted are: (a) injury to a participant which would require alternate transportation; (b) prior arrangement (request must be in writing) between the participant’s parent/guardian and the coach/advisor for the participant to ride with the parent/guardian; and (c) any alternate travel arrangements must be cleared through the administration.
- Completion of the activity season is required for the participant to be eligible for a letter or other team or individual awards (exception: injury which limits participation). No awards shall be given to any participant suspended for the remainder of the season for co-curricular code violations. Additional standards will be developed by each head coach/advisor and a copy filed with the Athletic/Activities Director prior to the season.
- A participant who has been injured and has had medical treatment cannot participate until a signed release from the doctor is presented to the advisor/coach. The doctor’s signed release will be kept on file in the school main office.
- Any violation of Board Policy 3200 by a participant that is deemed by the head coach, activity advisor, or school administration to be detrimental to the co-curricular program, school or school district, will result in counseling and/or corrective action. The sanction will be determined by the school administrator in consultation with the head coach/activity advisor and will depend on the type and severity of the violation.
- Participants shall conduct themselves in a manner that renders them fit to serve as representatives of Ferndale School District (misconduct includes, but is not limited to, criminal activity, cheating, etc.). Failure to do so shall result in corrective action. The sanction will be determined by the school administrator in consultation with the head coach/activity advisor and will depend on the type and severity of the misconduct.
- School-owned equipment used by a participant in any co-curricular activity is his/her responsibility. The loss of misuse of this equipment will be the financial obligation of the participant. Participants will not be allowed to participate in any activity until this obligation is fulfilled and all fines are cleared.
- A participant is expected to attend all scheduled practices, turnouts, rehearsals, meetings, games, events, contents, and performance, whether or not school is in session. If it is found necessary to miss such, prior arrangements must be made with the advisor/coach. No practices will be held on Sundays. Any exception to the Sunday practice provision must be approved by the building principal and superintendent.
- A participant shall not use, consume, possess, transmit, sell or be under the influence of alcoholic beverages, drugs (including anabolic steroids), narcotics, or tobacco (including smokeless tobacco and products that are used with vaping). Neither shall a participant use or be in possession of drug paraphernalia. Receipt of a “Minor in Possession/SWI” citation from a law enforcement agency will automatically constitute a violation of the co-curricular code. Sanctions for violations are listed in this code under Corrective Action.
- Each sport season begins and ends according to the Whatcom County Middle School League. Whatcom County Middle School League Handbook and specific sport rules are in accordance with WIAA and NFHS guidelines.
- A participant must be in school for all class periods in order to participate in a practice or a co-curricular activity that day. If a participant misses any portion of the school day, his/her absence must be cleared in advance by a school administrator. Unexcused absence is subject to sanction determined by the school administrator.
Corrective Actions
1. General
1.1 Each violation of the code will be judged on its individual merits and the corrective action will be determined by the nature and circumstances of the violation and any extenuating or exceptional circumstances.
1.2 Violations of this code will result in student support and accountability actions outlined in our middle school in alignment with Board Policy 3200 and/or specific sanctions as outlined below.
2. Specific Sanctions
2.1 Violation of Drug/Alcohol Rule
2.1.1 First Violation - Suspension from co-curricular activity for fifteen (15) school days. If the suspension period does not include a major activity, the participant will be denied the right to participate in the next major performance, game, contest, competition or event. In addition, a drug/alcohol evaluation by an approved community agency or individual must be completed within five(5) school days from the date of the incident (at the student's expense).
If the violation occurs at a school activity, the participant may not attend practice during suspensions. If the violation occurs away from school activities, the participant may attend practice.
2.1.2 Second Violation - Suspension from co-curricular activities for one(1) calendar year and completion of a new evaluation by an approved community agency or individual within ten (10) days from the date of the incident and compliance with the evaluation recommendations prior to returning to the sport/activity. Written verification of the completion of the drug/alcohol evaluation and compliance with evaluator’s recommendations must be provided to the principal/designee. The participant must be in compliance with all treatment recommendations before he/she will be reinstated.
2.1.3 Additional Violations - Any additional violations of the co-curricular code during the participant’s middle school career will be treated as second violations.
2.2 Violation of Tobacco Rule
2.2.1 First Violation - Five (5) day suspension from the activity (and next major performance, game, contest, competition or event).
If the violation occurs at a school activity, the participant may not attend practice during suspensions. If the violation occurs away from school activities, the participant may attend practice.
2.2.2 Second Violation - Ten (10) day suspension from the activity and the next two (2) performances, games, contests, competitions, or events.
2.2.3 Additional Violations - Any additional violations during the participant’s middle school career will be treated as second violations.
Participants will attend practices during suspensions.
3. Implementation Procedures
3.1 Whenever the corrective action includes suspension, the advisor/coach will adhere to the following procedures.
- 3.1.1 Report the incident immediately to the building athletic director and assistant principal.
- 3.1.2 The assistant principal or the athletic director will then notify the parent/guardian.
4. Grievances/Hearings/Appeals
4.1 Procedures for grievances/hearings/appeals will be followed according to School Board Policy 3200, I - Corrective Action - General, F. A copy of the procedures will be given to the student and parent/guardian upon request.
4.2 A participant who is appealing discipline under this code will be allowed to practice, rehearse, and attend meetings, but not compete perform or represent Ferndale School District in the co-curricular program until due process is completed.
Authorization for Emergency Medical Care by Parent/Guardian:
This is to certify that I/we do authorize and direct any medical or surgical care including anesthesia, laboratory x-rays, and other procedures necessary in the emergency medical care of the my student during the school year and ensuing summer.
Risk Statement authorization by Parent/Guardian and student:
Every effort is made by the Ferndale School District to provide safe facilities and proper coaching/advising. But no withstanding these precautions, students may be injured. Playing or practicing to play or participate in any sport/activity can be dangerous activity involving many risks of injury. These risks may include, but are not limited to death, serious neck and spinal injury, paralysis, brain damage, etc. The result of these injuries could seriously impair one’s future activities to earn a living, participate in social and recreational activities, and generally to enjoy life. Playing or practicing to play/participate in any sport/activity can also involve injuries to the back, bones, ligaments, joints, eyes, teeth, etc. The result of these injuries could limit participation. Because of the potential for injury, all athletes/activity participants must follow the coach’s/advisor’s instructions regarding playing techniques, training, and activities. As an assumption of risk, by submitting the electronic eligibility form in family access, I understand the potential risk of injury in interscholastic sports and/or ASB clubs, activities, and performance groups directed by the Ferndale School District during the school year and ensuing summer.