Principal's Message
Welcome back Hornets!
This year we will continue to provide a welcoming environment where everyone who enters our doors knows they are wanted, they matter, and they belong. Our work will focus on building strong routines and relationships in service of reaching our ultimate goal of every student making significant academic progress which will prepare them for high school and beyond. We know students need a healthy, happy and safe place to learn; our commitment is to do our best to provide this for ALL students.
We know that relationships are the cornerstone to success in school and it is important that EVERY child have an adult both in and out of school, whom they can trust and count on for guidance. Here at Horizon Middle School we will spend the time to get to know you. We are all here to support you as we navigate this new school year and any challenges that may come with it. If you need assistance please find Ms. Helt or myself, Mrs. McDaniel, in the Main Office.
We Are Hornets!
Always be kind,
Christine McDaniel
Horizon Middle School Principal